WHO Data show marked increase in annual cholera deaths

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On Sep. 4, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) published global cholera statistics for 2023, that showed an increase in cases and deaths.  Data from 2023 compared to 2022, reported the number of cholera cases increased by 13% and deaths by 71%. Over 4,000 people died in 2023 from a disease that is preventable and easily treatable.

Forty-five countries reported cases, an increase from 44 the previous year and 35 in 2021. Thirty-eight per cent of the reported cases were among children under five years of age. Cholera is an acute intestinal infection spread through contaminated food and water. Communities with limited access to sanitation are most affected.


Source: World Health Organization
Credit: Photo: Scanning electron microscope image of Vibrio cholerae bacteria, which infect the digestive system, Courtesy: T.J. Kirn, M.J. Lafferty, C.M.P Sandoe and R.K. Taylor, Darthmouth College, 2000.