The Priestley Medal was awarded to Ernest H. Volwiler
On Jan. 6, 1958, the American Chemical Society announced that Ernest H. Volwiler had been named the recipient of the Priestley Medal ‘for his numerous contributions to chemistry,” the Society’s most prestigious award.
Volwiler was noted for his contributions to medicinal chemistry, beginning with those in the commercial production of anesthetics. He developed manufacturing techniques for Anesthesin, Benzocaine, and Novocaine, and also certain arsenicals and other synthetic drugs, among them Nembutal and Pentothal. His foresight in evaluating new chemical compounds and in evolving large-scale manufacturing processes brought about the introduction of Sucaryl.
Volwiler served the ACS in almost every local and national office and was Chairman of the Board of Directors, 1954-55.
Source: American Chemical Society