The Stanford Cancer Institute became a NCI Designated Cancer Center
On Sept. 23, 2007, the Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) was awarded “cancer center” designation from the National Cancer…
On Sept. 23, 2007, the Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) was awarded “cancer center” designation from the National Cancer…
On Sept. 10, 2007, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) awarded a five-year, $12.5 million Specialized Program of Research…
On Jun. 14, 2007, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) launched the 3-year pilot phase of a new program…
On May 8, 2007, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reported that people infected with the hepatitis C virus…
On Apr. 1, 2007, National Cancer Institute (NCI) researchers reported that a variation in a portion of DNA…
In 2007, the U.S. Congress declared May National Cancer Control Month, an opportunity to educate all Americans about…
On Oct. 16, 2006, the Cancer Genome Atlas program, created by National Cancer Institute and the National Human…
On Sept. 1, 2006, National Cancer Institute (NCI) researchers developed a new model for estimating the 5-year risk…
On Aug. 16, 2006, President Bush announced that he intended to appoint John E. Niederhuber, M.D., to be…
On Aug. 14, 2006, National Cancer Institute (NCI) researchers announced they had found a unique pattern of activity…
On Jun. 8, 2006, the FDA approved the vaccine Gardasil, which protects against persistent infection by the two…
On Mar. 22, 2006, the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington School of Medicine in St….
In 2006, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) launched the TAILORx trial to determine whether gene expression patterns in…
In 2006, the Winship Cancer Institute received a $7.9 million P01 5-year grant from the Cancer Institute (NCI)…
On Dec. 13, 2005, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute launched a…
On Dec. 1, 2005, the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute became Michigan’s first and only independent hospital exclusively…
On Nov. 7, 2005, the National Cancer Institute launched a cancer biorepository pilot project designed to standardize biospecimen…
On Oct. 5, 2005, the National Cancer Institute’s Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer,…
On Jul. 18, 2005, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) announced receipt of a five-year, $10 million award…
On Jun. 29, 2005, the Patient Navigator Outreach and Chronic Disease Prevention Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-18) amended…
On May 1, 2005, The Wayne State University Karmanos Cancer Institute announced it had acquired its clinical facilities…
On Apr. 27, 2005, results from two large National Cancer Institute sponsored randomized clinical trials showed that patients…
On Apr. 12, 2005, the National Cancer Institute announced the creation of the cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid. The…
On Apr. 8, 2005, Moores Cancer Center (MCC) at University of California, San Diego opened its new consolidated…
On Feb. 16, 2005, in preparation for the new generation of molecular-based oncology medical products, the National Cancer…
Apr. 14, 2004, the National Center for Vermiculite and Asbestos-Related Cancers was established in Michigan in response to…
On Mar. 16, 2004, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a report addressing the recent slowdown in…
In 2004, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) collaborated with the Department of Health and Human Services to establish…
On Jan. 20, 2005, the Siteman Cancer Center received National Cancer Institute (NCI) designation as a Comprehensive Cancer…
On Sept. 29, 2003, Winship Cancer Institute (WCI) at Emory University received a $1.9 million National Cancer Institute…