NIAID Discovery Leads to Novel Probiotic for Eczema

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On Jun. 26, 2024, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announced that research has led to the availability of a new over-the-counter topical eczema probiotic.

The probiotic is based on the discovery by scientists at NIAID that bacteria present on healthy skin called Roseomonas mucosa can safely relieve eczema symptoms in adults and children. R. mucosa-based topical interventions could simplify or complement current eczema management, when used in consultation with an individual’s healthcare provider.


Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Credit: Image: Colorized electron micrograph of Roseomonas mucosa bacteria, courtesy: Emily Fitzmeyer and Monica Paneru, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID.Hamilton, Montana.