New insights on how bird flu crosses the species barrier

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On Aug. 19, 2024, scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) published research that sheds light on how a key avian influenza virus enzyme can mutate to allow the virus to replicate in mammals.

The Cusack group from EMBL Grenoble deciphered the structure of the avian influenza virus’s polymerase when it interacts with a human protein essential for the virus to replicate within the cell. The structure of this replication complex, published in Nature Communications, provides important information about the mutations that avian influenza polymerase must undergo to adapt to mammals, including humans.


Source: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Credit: Colorized transmission electron micrograph of avian influenza A H5N1 virus particles (gold), courtesy National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..