Mammoth Biosciences announced agreements targeting high-throughput CRISPR-based SARS CoV-2 test

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On Oct. 29, 2020, Mammoth Biosciences announced that it had signed agreements with MilliporeSigma and Hamilton Company targeting commercialization of a high-throughput CRISPR-based SARS CoV-2 test.

The test leverages Mammoth’s DETECTR BOOST platform and will provide a sample-to-answer turnkey solution for commercial laboratories to enable a multi-fold increase in testing capacity.

The high-throughput systems will be compatible with both nasal swab and saliva samples and are targeting 1500 tests per 8-hour shift with minimal user interaction. Mammoth Biosciences plans to submit the assay for FDA Emergency Use Authorization later this year.


Source: Mammoth Biosciences