ImmunityBio announced single prime hAd5 COVID-19 vaccination induced 10-fold increase in T cell response
On Apr. 8, 2021, ImmunityBio reported initial data indicating that a single subcutaneous injection of the companyメs COVID-19 vaccine candidate in healthy Phase 1 clinical study participants stimulated the generation of T cells that are reactive to the spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) protein antigens delivered by the vaccine.
Just 14-16 days after the single dose, the mean level of T cells generated in response to the hAd5 S+N T cell vaccine were ten times higher for N specific T cells. By day 21, both S and N T cell responses achieved levels ten times higher as compared to pre-vaccination levels. These preliminary findings were published in a preprint server medRxiv.
Source: ImmunityBio