Human ‘Molecular Map’ Contributes to the Understanding of Disease Mechanisms
On Sep. 10, 2024, researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar announced they had created a free-to-access online reference tool that scientists around the globe can use for investigating how the human body works at the molecular level and forming hypotheses to test with experimentation.
The molecular processes of the human body refer to the chemical reactions and interactions occurring within cells and between different cells, including crucial functions like DNA replication, protein
synthesis, energy production, cellular communication and various metabolic pathways.
The study collated 12 years of data from the Qatar Metabolomics Study of Diabetes (QMDiab), a diabetes case-control study in the multiethnic population of Qatar, predominantly Arab, Filipino and Indian backgrounds.The study results were published in Nature Communications.
Source: Weill Cornell Medicine
Credit: Image: Cell life cycle division.