Evolution of DNA
he Evolution of DNA is an Illustration with the very small, requiring magnification, to the very large.
Cast of Charactors:
Gregor Mendel | Charles Darwin | Herbert Spencer | Alfred Russel Wallace | Penny the Prokaryote | Ed the Eukaryote | Lucy the Lung Fish | Cindy the Centipede | Harold the Hylonomus | Doris the Dimetrodon | Cody the Cockroach | Paul the Plateosaurus | Paula the Platypus | Arnie the Apatosaurus | Sarah the Stegosaurus | Iggy the Iguanodon | Terry the Tyrannosaurus | Tom the Triceratops | Vicky the Velociraptor | Mickey the Mouse | Marla the Mammoth | Lucy the Australopithecus | Harley the Homo Erectus | Nick the Neanderthal | Hank the Homo Sapien | Sally the Scientist
Published Apr. 25, 2022.