About Our Heroes

LifeScienceHistory.com develops and uses multiple hero banners that recognize and pay homage to the many scientists and others whose discoveries and work are the foundation of the life science world today. 

AIDS/HIV Pioneers

AIDS/HIV Pioneers recognizes Robert Gallo, Ryan White, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Flossie Wong-Staal, Luc Montagnier, and David D. Ho for their research, identification, education and development of treatments for AIDS/HIV.

Asian and Pacific Islander Pioneers

Asian and Pacific Islander Pioneers recognizes Ah Bing, Min Chueh Chang, Ruby Hirose, Har Gobind Khorana, David D. Ho, Wei Yang, David Wang, Richard Nakamura and Tsai-Fan Yu for their pioneering research and achievements in horticulture, vitro fertilization, HIV and healthcare.

BIack History Pioneers

Black History Pioneers recognizes Augusta Alexander, Rebecca Lee Crumpler, James McCune Smith, Susan Smith McKinney Steward, George Washington Carver, Ernest Everett Just, Rebecca Lee Crumpler, Alexa Canady, Henrietta Lacks, and Patricia E. Bath for their trail-breaking achievements in the fields of medicine, agriculture and research.

Breast Cancer Pioneers

Breast Cancer pioneers recognizes Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, Atossa and Mary-Claire King for their accomplishments in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

CRISPR Pioneers

CRISPR Pioneers recognizes select individuals involved in the evolution of CRISPR, including Luciano Marraffini, Alexander Bolotin, Feng Zhang, Francisco Mojica, John van der Oost, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier.

DNA Pioneers

DNA Pioneers recognizes James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins who jointly received the 1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their determination of the structure of DNA; and Rosalind Franklin whose X-ray diffraction photo of DNA with Raymond Gosling served as key evidence in discovering the structure of DNA. Franklin died in 1958 and…

Evolution Pioneers

Evolution Pioneers pays homage to Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace and Herbert Spencer, and Gregor Mendel all instrumental in the theory of natural selection.

Influenza Pioneers

Influenza Pioneers recognizes Thomas Francis and Jonas Salk for their work in development of an influenza vaccine. The flu pandemic from 1918 to 1920 caused more than 550,000 deaths in the U.S. and more than 20 million deaths worldwide.

Polio Pioneers

Polio Pioneers recognizes Jonas Salk, Robert Koch, Linus Pauling and Rita Levi-Montalcini for their respective work with tuberculosis, chemistry, Polio and nerve growth factor. 

Women History Pioneers

Women History pioneers recognizes Marie Curie, Barbara McClintock, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Hedy Lamarr, Rachel Carson, Florence Sabin and Rosalind Franklin for their accomplishments in the fields of radiology, medicine, telecommunications and environmental science.