eng3 Corporation


2234 Eastlake Ave E.

Seattle, WA 98102

Company Info
Phone:(206) 525-0227
Year Established:2003
Primary:Rowena Gates
VP, Business Development
Other:Hans Eng
Founder & CEO

Company Description

Eng3 Corporation creates scientifically validated technology specifically designed to promote cellular activities and improve protein functions through the repair and protection of protein structures.

Eng3 is the first medical device company to address the problem of oxidative stress and cell damage by focusing on protein structure and folding—both how to repair damage when it happens, and how to prevent or slow it. Its NanoVi family of devices—NanoVi Eco®, NanoVi Pro®, and NanoVi Exo®—were designed to use biophysics, not chemical substances, to provoke the body’s natural repair processes.