Nashville reported its first influenza cases
On Sept. 27, 1918, local Nashville newspapers reported that there were at least a handful of cases within…
On Sept. 27, 1918, local Nashville newspapers reported that there were at least a handful of cases within…
By Sept. 27, 1918, influenza cases had arrived in the city of Dallas, prompting Dallas Health Officer Dr….
On Sept. 26, 1918, Washington, D.C. Health Officer Dr. W. C. Fowler warned the public to be cautious…
On Sep. 26, 1918, Boston’s health commissioner Dr. William C. Woodward issued a closure order for theaters, movie…
On Sept. 26, 1918, Baltimore city Health Commissioner Dr. John Blake dismissed the circulating influenza as not being…
On Sept. 25, 1918, Boston’s health commissioner Dr. William C. Woodward announced that all Boston public schools were…
On Sept. 25, 1918, Boston Mayor Andrew J. Peters appointed an Emergency Committee to advise and empower the…
On Sept. 24, 1918, over 100 soldiers near Louisville were reported to have influenza, from which the outbreak…
On Sept. 24, 1918, Massachusetts Governor Samuel W. McCall held a conference call with state health and safety…
On Sept. 24, 1918, soldiers at Camp Meade near Baltimore were reported infected with influenza.
On Sept. 24, 1918, Camp Logan, near Houston, Texas, reported 700 cases of influenza, in addition to other…
On Sept. 23, 1918, the Spanish Flu reached San Francisco when city health officer Dr. William C. Hassler…
By Sept. 23, 1918, the total number of influenza victims jumped to 334. That situation was growing increasingly…
On Sept. 22, 1918, the first civilian cases in Los Angeles appeared, although influenza was not made a…
On Sept. 22, 1918, Cleveland received its first warning of the influenza epidemic from City Health Commissioner Dr….
On Sept. 21, 1918, between the start of Chicago’s epidemic and the removal of restrictions on Nov. 16,…
On Sept. 21, 1918, the Philadelphia Board of Health made influenza a mandatory reportable disease, as the epidemic…
On Sept. 18, 1918, Detroit Health Commissioner James W. Inches warned citizens of the possibility of the influence…
On Sept. 18, 1918, Atlanta residents learned that nearby soldiers had been placed under quarantine due to the…
On Sept. 17, 1918, NYC’s Board of Health made influenza a reportable disease, requiring quarantine for infected patients….
On Sept. 16, 1918, Chicago’s Health Commissioner announced that officials had “the Spanish influenza situation well in hand…
On Sept. 16, 1918, the influenza epidemic arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana when an oil tanker with an…
By Sept. 16, 1918, hundreds of influenza cases existed in the city of Boston, overcrowding hospitals.
On Sept. 12, 1918, following the arrival of a number of ships with influenza-infected passengers, New York Cityï¾’s…
On Sept. 11, 1918, the first civilian influenza cases were reported in Boston. By Sept. 16, there were…
On Sept. 10, 1918, two hundred sick sailors were admitted to the new emergency hospital. Meanwhile, Chelsea Naval…
On Sept. 9, 1918, the Massachusetts National Guard, under the direction of Colonel William H. Brooks, erected a…
On Sept. 8, 1918, influenza arrived in Illinois after sailors at Great Lakes Naval Training Station fell ill….
On Sept. 5, 1918, Dr. John S. Hitchcock, the head of the communicable disease section of the Massachusetts…
On Aug. 28, 1918, influenza had broken out on the Receiving Ship at Boston’s Commonwealth Pier.