BioAegis announced publication: ‘Delayed administration of recombinant plasma gelsolin improves survival in a murine model of severe influenza’
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BioAegis announced publication: ‘Delayed administration of recombinant plasma gelsolin improves survival in a murine model of severe influenza’

On Dec. 12, 2019, BioAegis Therapeutics announced publication of new research findings with recombinant human plasma gelsolin in…

Seqirus’ Next Generation Cell-based Influenza Vaccine Shows Significantly Greater Effectiveness Compared to Standard Egg-based Options in the 2017-18 US Influenza Season
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Seqirus’ Next Generation Cell-based Influenza Vaccine Shows Significantly Greater Effectiveness Compared to Standard Egg-based Options in the 2017-18 US Influenza Season

On Dec. 5, 2018, Seqirus, a CSL subsidiary, announced real-world data showing that its cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine…