Evolution of DNA II
The Evolution of DNA II is an update of our previous Illustration with new dialogue, and extensive very small detail, requiring magnification, to thoroughly enjoy.
Cast of Characters:
Gregor Mendel | Charles Darwin | Herbert Spencer | Alfred Russel Wallace | Penny the Prokaryote | Ed the Eukaryote | Lucy the Lung Fish | Cindy the Centipede | Harold the Hylonomus | Doris the Dimetrodon | Cody the Cockroach | Paul the Plateosaurus | Paula the Platypus | Arnie the Apatosaurus | Sarah the Stegosaurus | Iggy the Iguanodon | Terry the Tyrannosaurus | Tom the Triceratops | Vicky the Velociraptor | Mickey the Mouse | Marla the Mammoth | Lucy the Australopithecus | Harley the Homo Erectus | Nick the Neanderthal | Hank the Homo Sapien | Sally the Scientist
Published: Apr. 24, 2023.