Australia’s first durable total artificial heart implant Reported successful
On Mar. 11, 2025, researchers at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney announced the first implant of a BiVACOR Total Artificial Heart as an unmitigated clinical success, with the patient becoming the first in the world to be discharged from hospital.
The implant took place on November 22, 2024 at St Vincent’s Hospital in a six-hour procedure led by renowned St Vincent’s cardiothoracic and transplantsurgeon, Dr. Paul Jansz.
After a few weeks in the ICU, followed by observation in the ward by St Vincent’s clinicians, led by heart failure and transplant cardiologist Professor Chris Hayward, the patient – a man in his forties from NSW who has declined to be identified – became the first person in the world to be discharged from hospital with the BiVACOR Total Artificial Heart in early February 2025.
The implant – the first in a series of procedures planned in Australia as part of the Monash University-led Artificial Heart Frontiers Program, and which benefited from a $50 million grant from the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund – designed as a bridge to keep patients alive until a donor heart transplant becomes available.
Source: St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney