Anabolic Steroid Control Act banned OTC steroid precursors and increased penalties for illegal steroids

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In 2004, the U.S. Congress passed the Anabolic Steroid Control Act which enacted a ban on over-the-counter steroid precursors, increased penalties for making, selling, or possessing illegal steroids precursors, and funds for preventive education to children.

Effective January 20, 2005, the Act amended the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and replaced the existing definition of “anabolic steroid” with a new definition. This new definition altered the basis for all future administrative scheduling actions relating to the control of anabolic steroids as Schedule III controlled substances by eliminating the requirement to prove muscle growth. Additionally, the Act lists 59 specific substances as being anabolic steroids. As such, these substances and their salts, esters and ethers are Schedule III controlled substances.


Source: Federal Register