Relief reported that collaboration partner announced improved survival in highly comorbid COVID-19 patients treated with ZYESAMITM


On Sept. 27, 2021, RELIEF THERAPEUTICS reported its U.S. collaboration partner, NRx Pharmaceuticals, had announced top line data demonstrating improved outcomes at one year in highly comorbid patients with COVID-19 who were treated with ZYESAMIル (RLF-100 ル/aviptadil).

In highly comorbid COVID-19 patients, ZYESAMIル provided a threefold, statistically significant increase in the likelihood of survival at one year, consistent, according to NRx, with the increased odds of 60-day survival seen in the previously reported results from the phase 2b/3 randomized controlled trial of ZYESAMIル (RLF-100 ル/aviptadil).

