Merck Frosst Laboratories was created

In 1968, Merck Frosst Laboratories was created to act as the service company to the two sales companies resulting from the Merck & Co. acquisition of Charles E. Frosst with Merck Sharp & Dohme Canada Limited. In 1982, the three companies were restructured under the name Merck Frosst Canada Inc. and it became a fully integrated pharmaceutical company. The company later changed its name to Merck Frosst Canada Ltd.

Charles E. Frosst & Co, was founded by Mr. Frosst and four associates In 1899 who rapidly introduced new products such as the famous numbered analgesics known as 217ᆴ and 222ᆴ ラ products that are still used in Canada.

During the mid-forties, Charles Frosst pioneered nuclear medicine in Canada by developing the country’s first radioactive pharmaceutical products, for sale in Canada and abroad.


Source: Merck