Avian flu strikes second biggest U.S. egg producer
On Jan. 28, 2025, Rose Acre Farms, the nation’s second largest egg producer, reported that tests have confirmed avian flu at its facility in Seymour, Indiana, which could further stretch the supply of eggs as commercial farms in several states continue to battle the spread of the H5N1 virus.
The company said on X that it first noticed mortality in the layers on January 25 and quickly sent samples for testing. Rose Acre Farms has operations across the country. The Seymour, Indiana, facility is located in Jackson County. The Indiana Board of Animal Health of Animal Health on January 26 announced that the virus had been detected at a layer farm in Jackson County that has 2.8 million birds.
Since the first of the year, outbreaks at layer farms have led to the loss of at least 13 million birds.
Source: Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy, University of Minnesota