President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote Vannevar Bush setting in motion the National Science Foundation
On Nov. 17, 1944, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote a letter to to Vannevar Bush, head of the…
On Nov. 17, 1944, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote a letter to to Vannevar Bush, head of the…
On Sept. 22, 1944, the War Department General Order Number 76 officially redesignated Fort Lewis General Hospital as…
In 1944, the the American Chemical Society awarded the Priestley Medal to James B. Conant “to recognize distinguished…
On Jul. 1, 1944, the Public Health Service Act was codified and established the quarantine authority of the…
On Jul. 1, 1944, the Public Health Service Act, P.L. 410, 78th Congress, provided that “The National Cancer…
On Jun. 17, 1944, the Midwest Research Institute, now known as MRI Global, was incorporated. Today, MRIGlobal is…
On May. 1, 1944, Paul B. Dunbar, Ph.D., becomes Commissioner of Food and Drugs. His tenure as commissioner…
In 1944, the first protein separation using electrophoresis is performed by Dr. Maud Menten, one of the first…
In 1944, the Baruch Center of Physical Medicine at the Medical College of Virginia was organized with a…
In 1944, Canadian Premier Tommy Douglas, seeing the high cancer death rate in Saskatchewan, implemented free cancer treatment…
In 1944, Johnsonᅠ &ᅠ Johnson went public with a listing on the New York Stock Exchange.
In 1944, Norman Borlaug participated in the Rockefeller Foundation’s pioneering technical assistance program in Mexico, where he was…
In 1944, Robert Woodruff who succeeded Asa Candler as president of The Coca-Cola Company, offered to underwrite the…
In 1944, Joseph Erlanger, native of San Francisco and graduate of the University of California (B.Sc.), was awarded…
In 1944, the use of cell cultures for virus growth was discovered. This allowed viruses to be cultured…
In 1944, the use of dried plasma became vital to treating wounded solders in World War II.
In 1944, DNA was found by Oswald T. Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty to be the basic…
In 1944, Hans Asperger, a Viennese pediatrician, described ‘autistic psychopathy.’ Decades later, his name will become a diagnosis:…
In 1944, Dr. Philip Levine, the discoverer of the human rH factor, joins Ortho Research Laboratories, creating the…